Reaching Out

The Most Romantic Love Story in the History of the World

Their courtship began early in her life, as she became of age. When she was involved in some event at school or college, he was there, cheering her on. When she had a bad day, he was there for her, comforting and encouraging her. Her heart leaped with joy whenever they were together, and she missed him sorely when they were apart. The thought of living without him was unimaginable.
He even sent his emissary to speak on his behalf, to tell her how much he loved her. She finally said yes, and when they pledged to love each other forever, the angels in heaven rejoiced, for this match was made in heaven. There were rough spots of course, but he was always there for her, and his love and presence always communicated: “I see you for who you are, and I love what I see.”
Who are these two people who love each other with such a deep, abiding love? They are Jesus Christ, son of the sovereign, living God, and you – a Christian and bride of Christ.
Your relationship with Christ began as your body was knit together in your mother’s womb, became formalized through baptism and confirmation of your faith, then deepened as you grew older and more spiritually mature. You came to appreciate His undying love and the special comfort, guidance, and love expressed by His emissary, the Holy Spirit.
This is the greatest love story in all of history, for romance and love were created by God Himself, and he knows how to love better than anyone else in the world. He is the lover of your soul and loves you unconditionally, but loves you too much to keep you where you are. He even gave His life for you, that you may be free of the grip of sin in your life.

He has returned to prepare a place for you in heaven, a place of indescribable beauty and joy. Your marriage will be celebrated in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, an incredible event that will be attended by all the host of heaven. We see this in the book of Revelation, when the host of heaven proclaimed: “Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready… ‘Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’” Revelation 19:7,9
On earth, men and women get married and become one flesh. When we receive Christ as our Savior, we become the bride of Christ and become one in the Spirit. As an added benefit, we become a member of a community of love and faith with other believers, with whom we enjoy a special relationship in the Spirit.
So fellow Christian, congratulations on your marriage. I pray that you will seek to love and serve your husband, Jesus Christ, as much as He loves you, and that you will be inspired to go forth and share his truth and love with all who come across your path, before joining Jesus in your heavenly home.
To God be the glory
Board of Evangelism