First Lutheran Church LCMS


Believe In Christ

At First Lutheran Church we believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for our salvation, and sets us free from sin.


Love One Another

God is a God of love, and as believers, we are known by our love for others.


Teach the Word

The Word of God guides and directs us, and reveals God’s will for our lives.

Worship Services

Every Sunday at 10:30 AM

Close Communion is available on the first and third Sundays of each month.

We hope you join us for worship in-person or online. Online worship services are livestreamed on our FLCLR1868 YouTube page. You can also follow us on our First Lutheran Church of Little Rock Facebook page.

Bible Study

We are passionate about the Word at First Lutheran! We offer many opportunities for your to explore your faith with others.

Upcoming Events

Photo taken by Nate Brandes


Photo of the wooden cross courtesy of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS)
Photo of bible with thorns is from Pixabay and is free for commercial use-no attribtution required.
Photo of bible on stand is from Pexel is under Creative Commons License. Pexels.
Photo of congregation courtesy of Judy Kaucher